via The Atlantic
Plastic production is rapidly accelerating, according to an ambitious new paper—but only 9 percent of it gets recycled.
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via The Atlantic
Plastic production is rapidly accelerating, according to an ambitious new paper—but only 9 percent of it gets recycled.
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via Plastics News
Troy, Mich. — Mobility always has been at the core of the automotive industry, and now it’s also about to rock that same core.
Autonomous vehicles are on the horizon. And even if that horizon is distant, the industry is preparing to design a new world where millions of people would gain access to the road if the technology can be brought to the mainstream.
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via Chicago Sun Times.
WASHINGTON — Industry has made more than 9.1 billion tons of plastic since 1950 and there’s enough left over to bury Manhattan under more than two miles of trash, according to a new cradle-to-grave global study.
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via Newsweek
The total is approximately 25,000 times the weight of the Empire State Building
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