Driving Sustainability: Unlocking Profitable Opportunities in Selling Plastic Scrap and Utilizing Recycled Materials

Driving Sustainability: Unlocking Profitable Opportunities in Selling Plastic Scrap and Utilizing Recycled Materials

Sustainability is a critical focus for businesses across various industries. Plastic manufacturers, in particular, are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a circular economy. One effective way to achieve these goals is by selling plastic scrap and incorporating recycled materials into their production processes.

plastic scrap buyer

Why Sell Plastic Scrap?

Plastic manufacturers often generate a significant amount of scrap materials during their production processes. Instead of disposing of this scrap, selling it can bring numerous benefits. Firstly, selling plastic scrap generates additional revenue streams for manufacturers. What was once considered waste can now be turned into profit, contributing to the company’s bottom line.

Secondly, selling plastic scrap promotes sustainability by diverting materials from landfills. By choosing to recycle and reuse these materials, manufacturers actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and conserving natural resources. This environmental stewardship not only benefits the planet but also enhances a company’s reputation as a responsible and eco-friendly business.

Domino Plastics Company Inc. has been a trusted name in the industry since 1984. As a leading scrap buyer with nationwide warehouses, Domino Plastics specializes in purchasing plastic scrap from manufacturers and providing hassle-free solutions for scrap management. Their commitment to sustainability aligns perfectly with the objectives of plastic manufacturers aiming to reduce waste and embrace recycled materials.

Domino Plastics offers a comprehensive range of services to assist manufacturers in selling their plastic scrap. When you contact Domino Plastics, you can expect a fast quote based on the type and quantity of scrap materials you wish to sell. The company’s experienced team ensures fair and competitive pricing, enabling manufacturers to maximize their returns.

Domino Plastics takes care of all logistics involved in scrap collection. They arrange convenient pickup options, allowing manufacturers to focus on their core operations. With nationwide warehouses, Domino Plastics offers extensive coverage, ensuring a seamless process for manufacturers from all corners of the country.

In addition to purchasing plastic scrap, Domino Plastics also offers manufacturers the opportunity to access a wide range of in-stock recycled plastics. These materials can be used as an alternative to virgin plastics in manufacturing processes. By incorporating recycled materials, manufacturers can showcase their commitment to sustainability while reducing their reliance on limited natural resources.

As the demand for sustainability continues to rise, plastic manufacturers must proactively seek ways to reduce waste and embrace recycled materials. Selling plastic scrap not only generates additional revenue but also contributes to a circular economy and reduces the environmental impact of production processes. Domino Plastics Company Inc. offers a trusted and efficient solution for manufacturers looking to sell their plastic scrap and access recycled materials. Contact Domino Plastics today at t (631) 751-1995, call/text (516) 972-5632, or email joe@domplas.com for a fast quote and to arrange pickup and payment for your scrap materials. Visit their website, www.domplas.com, to learn more about the company and explore their in-stock plastics for sale. Together, we can drive sustainability and create a greener future for the plastics industry.

California Company Hopes To Pave The World’s Roads With Recycled Plastic

via DOGO News

The invention of plastic has been a double-edged sword for humanity. While the cheap, versatile material has made life convenient, it is virtually indestructible and takes centuries to decompose. Since avoiding plastic is impossible, companies worldwide are coming up with innovative ways to repurpose the millions of tons of polymer waste that end up in our landfills annually. Among the latest is California-based TechniSoil Industrial, which has devised an ingenious way to reuse plastic waste to repave roads.

Road resurfacing is an expensive undertaking that starts with using special equipment to extract and grind the topmost 3-to-6 inches of asphalt. Since the recycled material is not strong enough to use on its own, half of it is discarded and replaced with fresh hot asphalt. The combined product is mixed with bitumen — a sludge-like petroleum residue that acts as a binding agent — and relaid on the surface. Repaving a single lane mile requires 42 truckloads of new material and hauling out a similar amount of unusable waste.

Read the full story here: https://www.dogonews.com/2021/1/29/california-company-hopes-to-pave-the-worlds-roads-with-recycled-plastic

This Norwegian start-up wants to build houses out of 100% recycled plastic

via WeForum.org

Using one of the world’s problems to solve another is the philosophy behind a Norwegian start-up’s mission to develop affordable housing from 100% recycled plastic.

Since 1950, more than nine billion tonnes of plastic have been produced globally, of which only 9% is recycled, according to building tech company Othalo, while almost a billion people live in slums.

Read the full story here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/un-africa-recycled-plastic-housing/

E-car ‘Luca’: horsehair seats, ocean plastics chassis

via Recycling International

Students of the University of Technology in Eindhoven, the Netherlands have unveiled a car made largely from recycled materials such as PET bottles and household waste.

‘We want to show that waste is a valuable material, even in complex applications like a car,’ says team member Matthijs van Wijk. The group of 22 students has worked on the project for 18 months and the result is a sporty electric car called ‘Luca’ made from materials such as flax and recycled plastic, most of which was fished from the ocean.

Read the full story here: https://recyclinginternational.com/e-scrap/e-car-luca-horsehair-seats-ocean-plastics-chassis/31688/

Google’s new phone case is beautiful—and it’s made out of water bottles

via Fast Company

While we’re busy toting our reusable bags to the grocery and desperately recycling takeout containers, plastic is hiding in plain sight in everything from our computer cords to remote controls. Every year, 10 million tonnes of plastic goes into electronic products, very little of which is recycled.

Industrial designers at Google are trying to reverse this trend. They’ve been incorporating recycled plastic into their suite of products, including Nest mini speakers and Pixel phones, and this week, they launched a new Pixel phone case with a knitted texture, made from 70% recycled plastic.

Read the full story here: https://www.fastcompany.com/90537055/googles-new-phone-case-is-beautiful-and-its-made-out-of-water-bottles

Polyester Resin Virgin Clear For Sale 100,000 pounds

Solid Polyester Resin virgin clear pellets in original Eastman Gaylords. Grade is OS300.

Polyester Plastic For Sale
Polyester Resin Virgin Clear For Sale

Product: Solid Polyester Resin is a high molecular weight polyester resin. It is supplied as 100% solid pellets.
Manufacturer: Eastman Chemical Company
Manufacturing date: May, 2018
Expiring date: This is a solid resin so there is no expiring date. It does not break down in any way.
Origin: USA
Packaging: 94 Original manufacturer boxes
Applications: Coil and Container, General Purpose Coatings, Utility Coating Resin
Key Attributes: Saturated linear high molecular weight polyester, 100% solid pellets, High Tg
Typical Properties:
Glass transition temperature °C (DSC): 72 C
Molecular Weight (Mn): 11,000-12,000 g/mol (Polystyrene equivalents)
Inherent Viscosity: .47-.55 deciliter/g
Acid Number: 1-2 g KOH/ g resin
Hydroxyl Number: 6-9 g KOH/ g resin
Solution clarity in Aromatic 100 (55% solids): Hazy
Solution clarity in Aromatic 150:PM Acetate: DBE: Clear
Grade: OS 300
33:33:33 (50% solids)
Safety Data Sheet: http://bit.ly/polyresindata

For more information please email Joe@domplas.com or call (631) 751-1995.